Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back from my Self-Imposed Exile...

That's it!  My self imposed exile is over!  I've determined that I should be allowed once again to socialize with others.  After teaching and taking 18 hours worth of classes and working forty hours a week, I decided I was way over due on some "me" time.  I just can't believe the month of May has gone by so quickly!  Time flies when you're having fun.  Here is a short recap of what I've done during my time out:

- Welcomed back three day weekends!  Go ahead.  Be envious.  Three day weekends until the end of July!  I love them!  And no, that doesn't mean my lawn will be mowed on a more regular basis.  Please don't get my neighbors excited like that. 

- Gotten back in touch with my inner crafty self!  That's right!  My inner Martha and I have been bonding.  During this time, I've finished some knitting projects, started making scrabble tile necklaces, and glass pendants.  Tonight I can officially add metal stamping to this list.  Please, hold your orders. 

- Napped!  Oh my gosh!  Napping.. how I've missed thee! 

- Contemplated Home Projects:  Notice I did not say completed, finished or even started.  I said I contemplated projects.  I've made my list which includes some of the following: cleaning out the blue room, pulling up the carpets, refinishing the hardwoods and replacing the three remaining old windows in my house.  Hey!  These things take money.  I just need to decide how much and where to start. 

- Caught up on my DVR list!  How I've missed you, my little shows!  My DVR was up to 90 some recordings.  I was so behind in some of my shows that I'm thinking about just canceling them all together.  I did take time to get caught up on the important shows like Private Practice, America's Next Top Model: British Invasion, Castle and NCIS: Los Angeles.  Hey!  No judging my shows!  A girl can't think scholarly thoughts all the time. 

- Reading, reading and more reading!  I've read five books this past month.  For some reason that seems like a huge number to me.  Especially since no one is offering me a free panned pizza if I finish a certain number of books this month.  I've really enjoyed catching up on some 'pleasure' reading.  During the semester, I mainly just read text books and research articles. 

- And.. last but definitely not least...I turned another year older!  I didn't and don't feel any older.  I even examined my face for new wrinkles and my hair for a gray streak.  Luckily, I didn't find anything new in either place.  That's not to say that I don't have either of those already.  I do.  I just didn't find any NEW ones!  (Please refrain from adding your two cents on what age I really do look or making random guesses on my age.  Remember, you too have a birthday coming around!)
Of course, I did plenty of cleaning and laundry.  I ran all the errands I had been putting off like renewing my car tag and mailing off long over due packages.  (Total Side Note on the Post Office:  For those of you who don't know me, I'm not friends with post office.  We have a love hate relationship!  This stems from the fact that they are only open when I'm at work.  It's always a big inconvenience to get there.  I'm bad with shipping items on a timely basis.  If I have to mail it, expect it to be late!  This is part of the reason I can't seem to get my act together enough to sell things on eBay!)  Anyway, I digress.  The point is I'm back!  Be ready for some more wit and wisdom from me this June whether you like it or not!