Monday, July 9, 2012

Pinterest... Great for Creativity or Dangerous for my Health?!?

Okay.  Question Time.  How many people here are addicted to Pinterest????  It's okay.  Admitting is the first step.  Go ahead and say it out loud.  I confess... I too am addicted to Pinterest. 

(For those of you who have somehow missed the coming of Pinterest, how?  And Why?  Pinterest is a virtual pin board located at  It allows you to take things you find on the Internet and post them in this one spot.  This way all of our sites will be organized in one place.  In addition, you can browse other people's posts which invariably just increases your number of pins! Don't resist anymore!)

As I come off of a weekend of extreme crafting, I ponder if this site is really healthy for me... or quite dangerous!   (Don't judge my crafty weekend!  My mom was suppose to be visiting but was really sick.  I had to amuse myself somehow on the holiday weekend!)  In order to help me decide, I'm going to follow the lead of my mother.  Mom always says to make a list of the Pros and Cons of something.  Supposedly this helps clear the situation up immediately.  I say supposedly because I'm quite good at list making and rationalizations!

Either way.... here it goes!

Pinterest Pros:

  • This site speaks to my inner crafty Martha Stewart.  Yes, that is right!  I possess the spirit of Martha Stewart.  Now... I may not be as rich or as blond (Totally fine by me on the non-blond situation).  It's all luck I say!  She was in the right place at the right time?!?  I contend that this is just a matter of time.  Right?  I'm sure I'm the next big craft star!
  • All the really cool things I've made!  I now have a drawer full of gifts for folks for every occasion life hands me or you.  Although, I should probably quit posting the pics on Facebook so you are surprised when you receive them.  You didn't want a denim potholder????  Too bad! 
  • The How To's!  Step by Step instructions...  By this time next year, we will all have Etsy accounts!  Just think of all the money we will be making with our second crafting income! 
  • You get to know your friend's style pretty quick via their pins. Sometimes you think... yes, that's why we're friends!  Other times...  let's just leave it at that since this is the pro list!
  • Helps you connect with your other crafty folks.  Let's face it... in the past could you really start a conversation by explaining or asking about your latest crafting project?  Now you know exactly who to talk with about all the fun you can have with your glue gun!
 Pinterest Cons:

  • The amount of time I can spend looking at this site....   Let's just say I have others things I should be doing.  Do the dogs really need to eat?  Do I really enjoy clean laundry? Questions.
  • While I love the creativity and crafting aspect, do I really need to run out and find a new project weekly?  Is there something else I should be focusing on??  (Like the paper that is due next week?) 
  • Who inherits all these crafts?  Some of them turn out looking great.  What happens to the others?  Let's face it... I'm in my mid 30's.  My mom already has a house full of my 'projects'.  Let me just say that she does still pretend to like them and accepts them quite graciously.
  • Where is this craft fund coming from?  It makes me ponder the big questions like air conditioning.. or crafting supplies. 
  • Obsessive Pinterest Board Viewing:  I totally just made this up but it definitely has an air of truth to it.  Be honest.  How many times have you re looked at a category in a day to make sure nothing new slides past you that you need to pin?  I don't even want to count.  In fact, I might look again right now!
I'm not sure if this helped me or just confused me even more.  I feel like I might be missing a few points, but alas... it's time for me to check the Pinterest boards again before bed! 

Happy Pinning my fellow addicts!