Sunday, April 22, 2012

Me? An Overachiever????

Let me first apologize for my lack of posting lately.  There seems to be a severe lack of free time in mid April.  Every year about this time, I ask myself... Why?  Why did I think I could do all of this?  Why did I think I was superwoman?  What was I thinking exactly?  And... did I do this last year?!?

Yes folks... as an....overachiever....(yes, you read right!)..I always cram my spring full of activities.  Too full of activities really!  In true fashion, I did it again this spring!  It's like I forget the pain and stress as the year passes.  Then I think.. let's do it again!  I did it last spring!  It worked!   Uuuummmm... wrong.  It didn't work and I believe I swore I would never do it again.  Yet... somehow.. here I am! 

Warning: The next section is not for the faint of heart.  Please do not continue reading if you have a heart condition, may be pregnant or faint easily. 

Side effects may include exhaustion, headache, teeth grinding, blurred vision, crying and anger issues. 

Now that the warning is out of the way, let's begin!  I like to start filling my schedule with the normal forty hour work week.  Yes, I like to eat, use the internet and watch cable... so forty hours it is!  Then I like to add some classes on top of it... teaching and taking.  That's right.  I can't just have one T.  I want two T's!  Give them to me!  Taking wise... This semester I signed us (me and part of my 4hort) up for a mere three classes.  Who can't handle three classes while working forty hours?  On top of which, I thought I would teach a few classes.  Soo... I might have... maybe not.... probably so.. agreed to teach three classes as well.  Yikes!  I can't help it!  As an adjunct I feel like I beg for classes.  I'm always afraid to turn them down.  They may not ask you next time! 

Man.... It looks bad just typing it out!  And, if that wasn't enough I like to add extra curricular activities and travel on top.  Let's throw in some house projects and lawn care to boot.  Mmmmmm Hmmmm... overachiever! 

The point being folks... I'm a tad bit swamped at the moment.  Give me a week or so... and I'll be back to blogging like my good ole self.  In the meantime, feel free to help me grade or revise my paper!


  1. I am so glad to know I am not the only psycho. We don't call it 'overachieving' here. Insanity seems to fit just right.

  2. In the recent months... I've had a couple people call it .. overachieving. I don't think they meant it in a positive way. Oh well!

  3. You have always been an overachiever, but I honestly was jealous! You are amazing, don't let anyone make you feel bad for it.

  4. You know.. once you're use to being busy all the time.. it can be hard to sit still.
