Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog...

Who doesn't love a basset hound?  (If your answer was me, this is not your post!  Heck, it's probably not even your blog!)  This week I read a story about a super cool Basset Hound.  Why was he so cool you ask?  Good question!  He's super cool because he dialed 9-9-9.  I know what you're thinking... "What number is that?"  That, my friends, would be the 9-1-1 for the UK.  Take a moment.  That's right!  This Basset called for help!

Short story: After the phone had been knocked off the table, the Basset became entangled in the cord.  (Yes, a phone with a cord.  They do still exist.)  As he tried to free himself, the cord became tighter and tighter choking the Basset Hound.  As he was trying to escape, he dialed 9-9-9.  They dispatched police when all they could hear was heavy breathing.  To their surprise, it wasn't a person but a Basset Hound.  They freed the Basset Hound and the story ends Happily Ever After!  Or something like that...  His name is George and just look at his little face! 

Totally unfounded side note:  I personally believe it was an evil kitty that knocked the dangerous phone off the stand in the first place! 

If you're interested in reading more of the story, I'll attach the link.  You're welcome!  George's Full Story!

My Basset.. Mr. Oliver Bowser!
Although my basset hasn't yet dialed 9-1-1, he is pretty darn awesome!  In his defense, I no longer have a phone with a cord.  He won't be in that choking situation any time soon.  I rescued Oliver from the Humane Society a little over three years ago.  Honestly, I couldn't have gotten any luckier!  He's a great dog!  He's full of spunk and character.  And like all Basset Hounds, he is definitely a lover!  Just look at his little face!  (Although he doesn't like having his picture taken.  Perhaps he's been hounded too much by the paparazzi in his past??)

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of owning a Basset Hound, there are a couple things you should know about them.  Yes, of course they have the sad eyes and plenty of wrinkles.  It is one of the many reasons that we love them.  But they're a whole bunch more!  They're very loyal animals and extremely tolerant.  I'm pretty sure I've used Oliver as a pillow once or twice.  And Yes, they take some naps.  Let's face it.. who wouldn't nap daily if they had the time???  Don't let those naps fool you, they can run and fast when the opportunity presents itself!  Especially if a treat is involved in the act...   

If you do own a basset, you're in good company!  Take a look at some of the other super cool folks that own Basset Hounds:

Marilyn had a basset hound too!
The "King" had a basset hound! 
What did you think all those songs were about?? 

Columbo and his Basset Hound!

Clint Eastwood and his Basset Hound,
Sidney the Kidney!

Other famous folks who own bassets include: Emperor Napoleon III, George Washington, Candice Bergen, Dick Chaney, and Shakira to name a few!  Even the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, has a Basset!  In addition there are many famous Basset Hounds!  I've included a link to a whole list of famous Basset Hounds I found posted on another blog! (Jowls of Fury is the blogs name.  Don't let it fool you!  Bassets are love dogs.)   

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