Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Next Chapter

For quite awhile now, I've been searching for a new job.  I've looked high and low.  I've applied in and out of state.  I've scanned newspapers, scoured websites and trolled networking sites.  Anymore job hunting is like a new Olympic sport!  It takes a lot of time and effort. 

That effort has finally paid off for me!  Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the job I have.  It's actually quite fun and flexible.  I come into contact with great people and I get the chance to do some really fun stuff.  I really enjoy my current job and many of the people I work with.  (Note:  I didn't say all.  I didn't want to lie to my readers.  Let's be honest...everyone has at least one drama queen in their office!  My office space has more then it's fair share.  If you're missing your drama queen, she's over here.  Please come take her back!)  Back to my current job....

I love the creativity, flexibility and engagement of the position.  However, I've been doing this job for twelve years.  Okay, I realize that some of you have been in the same job all your life.  Congrats!  But, most folks my age have switched around several times by now.  In fact, most people in my field change positions after three to five years.  It's like buying your first house!  When I attend conferences, I'm the wise old sage in the field.  It's a sad sign when you know more about the position then the people presenting do.  It's really bad if they start to take notes and want your email address for further questioning.  So.....While there are many positives to my position, I am no longer challenged by it and haven't been in awhile.  It's time for something new. 

And... my something new is here!!  Finally!  I was just about to give up the search.. the hope.. the fight... (Cue Eye of the Tiger)  Ta Da!  It happened!  In one week's time, I'll be starting my new journey.  My next chapter.  I'm super excited by the possibilities and challenges that wait ahead of me.  I would be lying if I didn't admit to some trepidation and anxiety about the change.  I mean... it is new personalities to get use to, new rules, new customs....  But I'm ready! I will greatly miss all of my friends and some of my colleagues I've met along the way.  Don't worry!  I will keep in touch!  I'll still see you around.  Heck, I still work for the same company!  I'm just changing locations and departments.  And you can always visit me down south!      

Ohhh... one last thing.. Watch out world!  Ready or not, here I come!!!        

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear where and what you'll be doing!! :)
