Sunday, June 24, 2012

Five Shows Dangerous to Your Health or Sanity...

Everyone has their shows they love to watch.  I'm no different.  It's amazing what you can find on TV anymore.  Meanwhile.... during all this channel surfing... I've determined that some of these shows may be hazardous to my health and/or my sanity. 

WarningThe following shows should be watched in moderation.  Prolonged exposure may cause high risks to your safety, health and mental well being.  Please alert others when attempting a marathon of any of the following shows.  If you think a loved one might have a problem, find your nearest twelve step meeting immediately. 

Here is my short... partial list... 

1. Ghost Hunters:  I have a policy of never watching this show after dark.  10 am on a Saturday morning?  No problem!  At home.. alone... in the dark?!  I'll freak myself out in ten minutes.  What was that sound?  Did the temperature change?  What are the dogs looking at?  Is there someone outside?  What is that bubble in my picture?  Did it move??

2.  Hoarders:  I love to watch this crazy show, but after an episode or two, I'm frantically cleaning my house.  It makes me want to get on my knees and scrub my kitchen floor with a toothbrush.  Now this can be great if you want to get your house cleaned but are currently lacking the motivation.  However, if you just want a peaceful afternoon just stay away!  If this show doesn't make you want to clean...  I'm concerned. 

3.  I Didn't Even Know I'm Pregnant:  What?  There are that many women who are pregnant and don't even know about it?  We can make an ongoing show on this topic???  Of course, they have all the after math of why they didn't notice and remarkably almost all of them were on or using birth control.  (Don't ask how many episodes of this I might have watched one lazy Sunday.)  This show has the ability to make women paranoid.  What toilet seat did I sit on?  Why am I so tired? Heartburn!?!  Why is that happening?  Fifteen pounds... that's just holiday weight or is it???  Chasity belt here I come!

4.  Yard Crashers or any of the DIY Network Shows:  Why is it after watching a couple episodes of these shows, you feel like you can tackle any home or garden project??  Change my cabinet doors?  Let me just get out this saw and router and get started!  Put in a fire pit and a koi pond?  What could go wrong with this project?  Nail air gun!!  How fun!!!  I suddenly get overly ambitious with house projects after too many of these.  I'm positive that I'm about one episode away from sawing off a finger or stapling my project to my thigh through a major vein.  (This leads to a whole different type of show... Trauma Life in the Real ER!)  Plus this show makes me want to hang around Home Depot or Lowes just looking for the crew to come down the aisle and Ta! Da! Perfect backyard! 

5.  Infomercials!:  I can't tell you how many things I've almost ordered because of an infomercial!  Come on now... you know what I'm talking about!  It's late at night or early on a weekend.  There is nothing else on the TV.  Or perhaps you just finished watching the show before the infomercial.  Either way you get sucked in.  They show you how easy it is to use.  They talk about all the benefits.  How can you resist??  I'm telling you.. I had to have the Magic Bullet.  I do own a Shark Navigator Lift Away and honestly, I'm quite happy with both products; although, I didn't order either product via phone.  All the promises....

Additional Show:

6. Cheaters:  Why do we even date and mate?  This show is just depressing as a singleton.  Heck.. it's depressing if you're in a relationship too.  And then the excuses that spew out of these people's mouths.  Umm... HELLO!  We've been watching you for days.  It's on film.  The gig is up!  Just avoid this show for hope of future relationships and your current relationship. 

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