Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grocery Shopping Carts: Single or Married?

As a newly single gal, I have been taking note of some of the differences between being in a relationship and being single.  Now.. before you get all worked up to defend your side of the coin, I will say that both have their benefits and their downfalls.  I'm not judging!  I'm just talking about the differences and grocery shopping is one of those things.  It's a little game I play with myself when shopping: Single or Married?  Let me explain. 

Married folks (or long time relationship people): Try to remember when you were single.  If that is too long ago for you, just picture what types of food you might buy for kids.  This should help you with this post. 

When in a relationship, you tend to grocery shop for a full meal.  That's right! Coupled people want an entree, a side dish or two and possibly even some dessert.  Many times you feel compelled to make sure you have a protein, fruits and vegetables.  Crazy!  Your cart tends to be full of ingredients to prepare these meals.  You buy the staples knowing that you could whip up several different dishes in a matter of seconds.  You stock your pantry with some extras.  You actually look up and prepare recipes!  Plus your carts tend to be fairly full.  After you add all those ingredients and dishes, there isn't a ton of extra room especially if you add kids to the mix.   

As a single person without kids, your cart looks totally different.  In the fruit and veggie department, you purchase things like two bananas, a couple apples, or two potatoes.  You tend to have twenty-two different breakfast items in your cart like juice, cereal, oatmeal or granola.  For most of us, it's the main meal we eat at home, and really, cereal is acceptable for supper when eating alone.  In addition, you also buy things like lunchables.  They make great lunches or suppers with next to no mess!  Often you find a stack of frozen meals.  For women, they tend to be Lean Cuisines or Smarts Ones.  For men, it's more like Hungry Man Meals.  Then there are the single serving sizes of anything and everything imaginable.  (Yes couples, we do know that they cost more than buying the regular sized package and separating it into smaller packages.  Who really wants to do all that?)  You might also notice a random item such as Pizza Rolls which are also acceptable for a meal.  On top of all that, we tend to buy a selection of beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic.  We will pretend it's our need to stay hydrated!  Overall there is an airy feel to our cart.. lots of extra space.            

Well.. that about covers the differences.  Yes, I know some of those statements may have been slight generalizations.  Please don't sue me!  And the next time you go to the grocery store, look at some people's carts.  I'm sure with this overly helpful post, you will be able to spot the singletons from the coupled folks in a matter of seconds.  Be careful not to laugh too loudly when it hits you.  Too much laughing by yourself tends to make you look a little crazy. 

Total Bonus Side Story: A couple nights ago, I mustered up the strength to go grocery shopping.  If you can't tell, this isn't my favorite thing to do; however, my mother is coming into town and I wanted to stock up for the occasion.  I decided I would go to the store on my way home from work.  If there is one thing I know, it's me.  If I went home and sat down, I would rationalize not going at all.  Then I would panic because my mom would be arriving and I have no food!  There is something about my fridge full of condiments and wine that concerns her.  I'm not sure exactly what yet.  Anyway, I made myself go.  Keep in mind, I'm still wearing my work clothes for the day, black dress and heels.  (Okay! So I don't wear that kind of clothes to work every day, but I really did that day!)  The point is.. I wasn't looking like I was homeless or a struggling college student.   

I arrived at the grocery store and started making my way through the familiar isles.  Then I reached the bakery area.  For those of you who don't understand the significance of this, let me explain.  I LOVE cookies, cupcakes and cakes.  Don't try to give me that whipped topping.  It's butter cream or nothing baby!   As I stared at all the yummy baked goods, I was trying to convince myself that I could indeed buy one cookie or one brownie to make a girl feel better.  As I was eyeing the options, the bakery lady came to the counter.   I told her I was just looking for the moment.  Her next comment was.... "you're shopping hungry, aren't you?"  Was it that obvious?  How exactly was I looking at those sweets?  Could she really see the yearning in my eyes?  Or was it the single people food in my mini cart.  Next she gave me a newly made..and frosted!.. sugar cookie to "take the edge off my hunger."  I'm not sure if this was a sales tactic or if I was just looking that pathetic.  Either way, I had to buy a few more after that sampling!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You're so right! In fact, every once in awhile, I enjoy having a "single girl meal"- and I've always called it that. I have a little babybel cheese and crackers and then a tangerine, maybe a cookie and sometimes it's in such random order too. Looking forward to more posts (but I'm a sloooooowwww blog reader)!
