Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Starting Out... Again.

It was a cold and rainy night... Wait.  Wrong assignment.  Can I start over again? 

For as long as I can remember, I have either been working at a college or taking classes.  Why should this year be any different?  In a moment of pure craziness, I decided I would start working on my PhD.  I mean what else would I want to do with my free time?  And who really likes naps anyway?  In the moment, it seemed perfectly logical.  Heck, I even have a group of friends that started with me, a little co-hort of sorts.  (Technically we're the ex-hort because we've already switched programs once.)  So... here goes nothing!  I must confess that I still question this decision every semester.  There is that moment of panic as I start a new class when I wonder what was I thinking?  Is it too late to get out?? Then I tell myself, I can do anything for sixteen weeks.  Sounds like fun, right?  You should join us!

As part of a class I'm taking on the weekends, I'm required to try out different types of technology.  In February I dipped my toe in the pool and tried out Doodle.  I know... not very exciting.  In March, I'm jumping all the way in!  So.. let the blogging begin.  For this experience, I'll be waxing philosophical about the trials and tribulations of my life.  Let's face it.  In my free time, I don't want to write about technical issues or research.  I do enough of that in class.  Of course these trials include my trusty dog, Oliver Bowser.  And who doesn't love pictures of a basset hound?  (If your answer was me, this blog is probably not for you.  How can you not love those long ears, sad eyes and mound of wrinkles?)  Together he and I have been making our way through this crazy thing called life.  Now I'm going to share our path with you!

Now I can't promise that I'll blog every day.  Who has time to read my blog every day?  Do I really have even fodder to entertain anyone every single day?  However, I will try to to blog several times a week... for the length of this class.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll be hooked on blogging by then and will continue on?!   


  1. Welcome Sister! I do blog almost everyday and this last week has been hard. I have a bit of a block. Good luck!

  2. I've been reading through your blog. We'll see how much I enjoy it or how much anyone else enjoys it. Good learning experience!
