Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shaping and Molding

I've just come off my weekend high. Now.. before you get all shocked.. it's not drug induced.  My mother was here to visit!  My family is close knit.  I often talk to multiple family members every day and none of them live in the same town!  When together, we spend A LOT of time together.  We aren't one of those you show up for lunch and then go home families.  When we're together, it's common to spend all day long together doing various activities.  So this past weekend, mom and I spent the whole weekend doing semi girly things.  I say semi because there were no pedicures, waxing or dying of anything this weekend.  Instead we hit up our usual run down.  Things you know will happen when my mom visits:
  • Lots of eating out! - Yes, we could eat in. No, we don't want to eat in.  That's part of the charm of visiting for us. 
  • Movie time! - It's more like a movie marathon.  We often see several movies in the course of a weekend. 
  • Shopping - For what is the big question?
  • Shaping and Molding - Special bonding time indeed!
Let me explain that last bullet.  My mother insists that her job is never done.  Keep in mind none of us are 'young' anymore.  We're all fully grown adults who have been living on their own for at least ten years more or less.  However, mom insists that there is always more shaping and molding to be done.  If your mother doesn't use these words, let me clue in.  Shaping and molding is a nice way of saying I'm about to lecture you on some topic.  It usually starts with this sentence.  "So Ephanie... I've been thinking..... " and then the lecture begins.  When she starts it, she usually pauses her finger on her lips for a second like she is thoughtfully thinking of what comes next.  Maybe she is deciding how to approach.  Sometimes it's a direct lecture.  Sometimes it's more covert involving a lot of questions and personal reflections.  Either way you know that sentence means something isn't right according to mom.  Go ahead and prepare yourself for the conversation.  It's going to happen at some point during the weekend.     

P.S. Even with the molding and shaping, I had a great weekend.  I love it when my mother visits!

1 comment:

  1. But you know your mom ma only does it because she loves you and your sisters so much! Wait until you are my age and they are still doing it to you! LOL

    I know they do it out of love and concern for all of us "kids". Glad you two had a good time this past weekend.
